Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft — German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy is a nonprofit foundation whose sole mission is to promote climate protection and the sustainable use of natural resources. As a CEO alliance of more than 30 companies from all sectors of business and industry, we work with government, think tanks and civil society to develop constructive solutions for the transition to a climate-neutral economy. As Foundation 2° we have been arguing for ambitious climate targets and ambitious climate policies at the national, European and international level since 2007. We renamed our foundation "Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft" in 2021 to better reflect who we are and how we work.
The time to discuss targets has come and gone. Now is the time for implementation. In this decade we must begin taking the necessary action to achieve our goal of climate neutrality by 2045.
Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft promotes such action by activating and focusing the responsibility, innovative strength and problem-solving skills of German companies in all relevant sectors of business and industry. Our nonprofit foundation carries out projects, undertakes studies and holds events aimed at broadening involvement in debates on climate policy. We provide a platform for dialogue, we build bridges and we generate momentum for ambitious climate policy. We work with various stakeholders across industries to create transformation alliances for practical solutions that will bring about and accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy.
Currently, our work in Europe is focused on the European Green Deal and its implementation package, the „Fit for 55.“ Together with its member companies, Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft develops progressive approaches to European industrial policy and contributes constructively to the European and national debate. We provide a platform and endeavor to build bridges between ambitious climate protection and business interests, between Brussels and Berlin, and between setting targets and implementing them.
We work internationally to place progressive corporate climate protection on the agenda of the German G7 presidency in 2022, to strengthen transatlantic collaboration on industry decarbonization and to support the UN Race to Zero.
Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft collaborates with numerous European and international partners. It is the German partner organization of Corporate Leaders Group Europe, official G7 partner of the We Mean Business Coalition, an official business partner of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge, and a member of the steering committee of Foundations 20.
Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft brings together leading companies in the fight against climate change. However, companies need the right political framework to be able to achieve long-term sustainable business success. This is the goal that Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft has committed itself to, as we are quite simply convinced that the best way to protect the climate is to make climate protection a business model.
The Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft is a progressive voice in the climate policy discourse and provides answers from the engine room of corporate climate protection. It highlights ways in which businesses can be more effectively enabled to fulfill their central role in fighting climate change and to unleash their innovation potential for climate protection. The foundation forges alliances with businesses, the scientific community and society at large. These alliances promote the development of a political framework that will enable business to drive the transition toward climate neutrality.
The new German government is moving full speed ahead with ambitious climate protection measures. But in what ways must the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) be amended to ensure that real progress is made on expanding renewables? What will be the role of states, towns and municipalities? How can energy efficiency be increased and in what ways must industrial policy be aligned with the goal of climate neutrality? And what role must the building and transport sectors play in corporate climate protection?
German climate policy is largely shaped by European legislation. The European Green Deal encompasses almost all areas of economic life: expansion of renewable energies, the transformation of European industry, the mobility sector, the construction industry, and the financing of these transformation processes.
Together with our member companies, we actively engage as the voice of progressive German business in influencing the ongoing development of the Green Deal and the Fit-for-55 implementation package. We engage in dialogue with members of the European Parliament and with national governments to highlight ways in which free enterprise can be leveraged for ambitious climate protection. We act as a bridge builder between Brussels and Berlin and as a dialogue platform for ambitious climate protection and progressive economic policy.
Our member companies operate all over the world. They compete successfully every day in the international race toward climate neutrality — as technology leaders in their industries and as ambassadors for business and investment in Germany, Europe and across the globe. These companies play an important role in making the EU Green Deal an internationally effective blueprint for climate neutrality „made in Europe.“
We therefore seize every opportunity to build bridges, forge alliances, develop solutions and find compromises by working closely with our partners in Germany, Europe and around the world.